Monday, March 4, 2013

7.) Brazen Behavior by Saskia Walker

            After a little hiatus and some well needed rest, this Nerdette is back and ready to finish her reading library, we start right where we left off with Saskia Walker.
            Where “Their Private Arrangement” is more erotic in style and character profile, “Brazen Behavior” is Walker’s more Romance Genre themed and styled in this novella. We are introduced to a head strong heroine who believes she is fully capable of taking on the world without a man, and the traditional man that comes around with his mighty sexual “presence” who shatters her beliefs and also has an enlightened opinion of women of his own. Is this good?
            Eleanor Argyle is of woman of means in the Victorian century and with a modern mind. Though she maybe alone with money, she is still woman enough to travel alone and without a male escort. During the 1800’s being alone on a journey and of the fairer sex was not only dangerous, as it is today, but unseemly. Society is not the only one who believe it improper for Ms. Argyle to be alone, Mr. Gregory Munroe the family’s assistant, friend and employee is sent to escort the young heiress safely to her Aunt and Uncle’s home. Yet our headstrong heroine has her own agenda and will not bend to her beguiling escort. As they out wit each other on this short journey from London to Scotland, Eleanor finds that love does not mean total absolve to a man, and for Gregory that erotic imaginings can happen to those who least expect it.
            Eleanor holds the same traits that I look for in a strong woman character, independent, crafty, and adventurous. She also isn’t a virgin which is also a plus. Like Morag she is used to sex. However the problems I have with her come from the fact that the novella is more of a romance and with the over arching plot. She makes decisions and assumptions too quickly, where the romance has to be threatened by poor communication. When she is disappointed Eleanor turns into the same arch type of the Victorian woman, a creature prone to her moods. Rather than have Gregory explain himself she turns on him with woman irrationality.
            Gregory is not completely faultless in character. Enlightened only to a small degree, he represents all that society believes is right. In the beginning he does not like the fact that Eleanor is alone in her travels, nor is he charmed by her believing she can do whatever she pleases. However he does grow to admire her independent spirit and that is the amount of growth you are going to receive. I will say, because it is a novella We as reader shouldn’t expect much growth or the shortness of time it happens.
               The story is simple with only the conflict of miscommunication and naiveté. It is was not a romance of substance but it was entertaining. But for this little Nerd, she is leaning on Saskia Walker’s more erotic driven heavy plots.

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