Monday, February 4, 2013

A Howdy Doo for 2013

                I have been in love with books since I was in the sixth grade. The very first book I had chosen for leisure was, “Goddess of the Night,” by Lynne Ewing.

                Goddess of the Moon was unlike any other book I had read so far. Greek mythology and descendants of Gods woven into the modern times and placed on the shoulders of teenage girls who were bequeath mystical powers. The only popular books around my age time was either between “Goosebumps” or  some selections of poems by Shel Silverstone.

                Thirteen years later, married and moving into my new house, my spouse watched as boxes upon boxes labeled “Books” were brought inside. He stared in dismay as I filled our living room library with my collection with not much room for his own books. I stood tall as five feet could as I gazed proudly like a peacock at my masterwork. Addison stood beside me as well, slack jawed and bewildered.

                “So how many are there…?”

                “How many what?”

                “Books, honey, how many books do you have?”

                “Oh… um…” I paused to calculate off the top of my head. “I think about 560 at least…not including the manga and the comics.”

                “560 at least?!”

                “Not including the manga and the comics.” I added softly.

                “And you’ve read all of them?”

                “No,” I laughed at the notion, “I think I stopped reading about the time I got into college. You know, school and work, and then you proposed and then I got married…” Addison held up his hands to stop my ramblings.

                “So you are telling me that you have been buying books and not reading them?”


                “Isn’t that a little strange?”

                “Um…no?” He smirked and I sighed in defeat of his logic. “Yes, it is a little.”

                So my husband and I decided with the New Year to try something new. I would not buy anymore new books until I read all my unread novels, biographies and what nots in our library. I thought it would help with my journaling to also review them as well and choose whether or not to keep the book in my collection. Quality over Quantity. I will post Monday-Friday, reading a book a day with the exception of Sunday.

                Here’s crossing my fingers for good luck!




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