Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Otome Obsession: Dreamy Days in West Tokyo Overview

Dreamy Days in West Tokyo
*Publisher: Voltage Inc.
*System: iOs Game for iPad
*Free Prologue and First chapter per character

          The game follows a female protagonist, our main character (MC for short or in my case Tamara), as she returns to the shopping district in west Tokyo after a ten year absence. She is now sixteen years old and excited for the move back to her childhood neighbor. To liven up her new home she explores the district’s shops, getting flowers for her room and getting “thank you” cakes from the local bakery. The MC thusly is reunited with her childhood friends, Haruki Tanemura, Ryuzo Hatta, Ichigo Sato, Takeshi Yuno, Rihito Hatsune, and her landlord Johji Chakura. The five boys have drastically changed over the ten years in appearance and some in attitude. As the Five o clock bell tolls for the shops to open each boy asks for the MC to join them.

Haruki Tanemura is the son of the district’s florist, and works at the shop after school and his karate club activities. The MC remembers him as the peacekeeper of the group and not much has changed since. In present day he is a hard worker, handsome and dangerously popular with the girls of the district. So much so that the girls in the MC’s class are not friendly on her first day of school. Yet Haruki seems oblivious to the other girls’ attention and focuses on the MC.

Ryuzo Hatta is the son the districts produce store. He has adopted a “thuggish” look, more akin to the Japanese’s Bosozuku (Japanese motorcycle gangs like AKIRA), which unnerves the MC along with his loud demeanor. Yet when the MC works with him at his store and is later invited to dinner with his family, she sees the kind fatherly side of him from when they were children. A year older than most of his friends (2 years older than Rihito) Ryuzo feels responsible for them and their actions and is usually the moral compass of the group. However he does come off as a little dense

Ichigo Sato is the son of the district’s cake shop owner which is devilishly ironic because he does not like sweet things. The MC remembers him as the pushy, mean little boy who always teased her mercilessly. Nothing has changed in Ichigo’s regard of the MC, he still teases her about her weight and her tomboyish nature. Yet at times when the MC gets caught in the rain, Ichigo has no problem walking her home under an umbrella.

Takeshi Yuno is the grandson of the district’s bath house owner. Happy Waters is a place of pride and unlike his friend Ichigo Takeshi works diligently to keep the bath house in good condition. However Takeshi comes off a bit rude to the MC, as he spends a lot of time reading the latest Shonen Hop (Shonen Jump! Of course), and is quiet and blunt. This isn’t different from what the MC remembers, as he used to be quiet and often in his own little world. She also remembers him to be a fast runner and wonders if he is on the school’s team.

Rihito Hatsune is the son of the Piano Teacher and wildly popular with the women in the district. His angelic face is deceiving as it masks a devilish flirt. Of all the characters Rihito seems to be the one each of his older peers are worried about and rightly so. He kisses the MC on their first reunion and swears to have her previous memories change the more they encounter each other. Why? Because the MC remembers him as a girl. Rihito or Richy as she affectionately called him was like her little sister because of how fair and delicate he was. Now Rihito “You can still call me Richy” has a thing for older girls.

Johji Chakura is the MC’s landlord and owner of the Black Ship CafĂ© below her apartment. 10 years older than the MC she is drawn to his maturity and easy going mannerisms. However when Johji makes a tuna sandwich for the MC she feels strangely nostalgic.

The Appeal This was my very first introduction into Otome games and rightly so, high school romance with promises of a shojo manga story, it almost had me at “Hello”. The boys and man (Johji) on surface have sparkling personalities.

The Drawback The main cast is in high school and there will be some limitation to how deep the story can delve into the romance, especially with a rating of 12+.

But I am hopeful, the other bad trait is that I am a hopeless completion-ist, in meaning that whenever I get a task I have to finish it all the way through, so here is a promise to all my readers. I will finish the games ever single one I bought and I hope you stick around for the cheers and tears.

Next Week: Ryuzo Hatta Review (Part 1)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Update: Longer than Expected Hiatus, 50 Book Challeges, and more!

It's been a long time since I've written, reviewed, or even posted and for that I am sorry ^_^. But I'm back with new books, new projects, and new ideas!

First is MANGA MONDAYS, where I indulge my inner otaku and review manga from my own personal library.

Second is OTOME OBSESSION which are posted on WEDNESDAY. I've recently been playing VOLTAGE iOs games and have become a bit crazed. *Walk-Throughs are posted per request*

With that said I've decided to ass my first challenge/event/movement/experience. Fifty Shades of Grey The Movie will premier worldwide Valentine's Day Weekend. Whether you believe it's filthy smut, or the embodiment of female sexuality in mainstream media, the truth is that it will be big. To prepare my Nerdy/Quirky mind I've created a list of Erotica books to get us all in the squishy mood. The goal is to read all of them before Ana Steele walks onto the silver screen.

Enjoy and see you all Tomorrow!

50 Books to 50 Shades of Grey

Part One

1.) Pride and Pleasure - Sylvia Day
2.) Seven Years to Sin - Sylvia Day
3.) Scandalous Liaisons - Sylvia Day
4.) Pleasure of the Night - Sylvia Day
5.) Bared to You -Sylvia Day
6.) Reflected in You - Sylvia Day
7.) Entwined with You - Sylvia Day
8.) Blush - Opal Carew
9.) Addicted - Zane
10.) The Sisterhood of APF - Zane
11.) Slow Surrender - Cecila Tan
12.) Exit to Eden - Anne Rice
13.) Belinda - Anne Rice
14.) Topping from Below - Laura Reese
15.) This Man - Jodi Ellen Malpas
16.) Beneath This Man - Jodi Ellen Malpas
17.) This Man Confessed - Jodi Ellen Malpas
18.) Henry and June - Anais Nin
19.) Rush - Maya Banks
20.) Fever - Maya Banks
21.) Burn - Maya Banks
22.) Because You Are Mine - Beth Kery
23.) The Harlot - Saskia Walker
24.) The Libertine - Saskia Walker
25.) Jezebel - Saskia Walker

Monday, September 1, 2014

Manga Monday: X-Day by Setona Mizushiro

In response to the Columbine High School Massacre of 1999, Setona Mizushiro penned X-Day. The story centers on four individuals and their desire to blow up their school. Mizushiro focuses on why a person, or a group would want to destroy an institution, yet not in an accusatory tone. The two volume manga is very sympathetic towards its main characters. Personally the manga is in my home library because of its intention to talk about people battling depression as people and that their desires might be monstrous but does not make them monsters.
The story begins when 11, Polaris, Mr. Money, and Jangalian meet in the school’s online chatroom. They instantly bond over their mutual aversion towards the school as a symbol of their angst, and later meet up in a different chat room. There is where they first discuss blowing up the school, but it is filed away as they all become close friends online. Yet when one of them tries to commit suicide, they are forced to meet each other face to face and their discussion of blowing up the school turns into a plan. X-Day is when their plans will come fruition, but until then they plan and try to live through their depression, anxiety, abuse and insecurity.
Each character has their own reasons for their misfortune. 11 is semi-popular, a senior, and a former member of the track team. 11 is trying to keep hold of a mask of happiness and aloofness which hides a growing insecurity of being easily replaced on the team and in romantic relationships. Polaris feels restricted by the school’s uniform and adopts a mousy personality. Polaris fades into the background and is tired of being overlooked. Jangalian is trying to avoid unwanted and psychotic romantic advances, and Mr. Money wants to be useful to somebody, anybody. They all feel a level of adversity to their peers but no murderous intent. Instead they focus their grievances on the school itself holding it as the symbol of their struggles and misery. They do not want to hurt anyone yet want to be rid of the symbol. So each character struggles more with living until X-Day arrives.
Mizushiro shows complex character development with their struggles between destruction and perseverance. Unfortunately the story is only two volumes long, nine chapters in total with the last two having an urgency to wrap up the story. Polaris and Jangalian make a huge mistake with dire consequences, yet instead of elaborating on the subject, the issue is wrapped up with a slap on the wrist and a wag of the finger. It did not seem to fit with all the other issues that were presented and it seemed more that there was not enough time to explore it.
X-Day has no anime adaptation, but I you like the story I suggest watching Shitsuren Shokoraite roughly translated to Heartbroken Chocolatier. It’s a Japanese Live Action dramatization of Mizushiro’s manga of the same name.
Pick up X-Day at a Half Price Bookstore or any other second hand booksellers. I was owned by the defunct TOKYOPOP Publishings, which also owned: Marmalade Boy, Peach Girl, Kare Kano, Saint Seiya, Paradise Kiss, and Sailor Moon.

The two volume manga is 3 out of 5 stars for presenting sympathetic characters, engaging story-line and beautiful artwork. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Two Months Hiatus!

So in Internet land being gone for months is the equivalent of dropping off the face of the earth. How do I explain myself? Well...

Life came at my door one night in April to give me a list of demands. If I did not follow these demands, life had no choice but ruin me.

The Nerd Girl will Return in August! New Books, New Time! New Attitude.

Monday, April 22, 2013

10.) The Buckled Bag by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Mary Roberts Rinehart is known for as the “American Agatha Christie,” even though her first mystery novel was published forty years before her brutish counterpart. Thusly I believe Christie had the advantage of the change in styling and times, as her mysteries are easier for this Nerdette to read through, yet Rinehart was painstakingly slow and dull. These are the only crimes against “The Buckled Bag,” with great attention to detail, a truly baffling mystery but can be and is dull. The details are finite on the background which lend little to the clues, and the pacing is slow made for readers who are ready to submerge themselves into the plot. To the story’s credit, it is short only 89 pages long.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Candid: Book Haul and Power Trip

Candid Nerdette: Book Haul!!!

With the tragedy in Boston, I am having trouble focusing on my reading and reviews. For this Nerdy girl, the attention and devastation is similar to the 9/11 attacks and it always blankets my moods in dark. So to uplift myself I spent the whole day with my mother doing what I was trained to do since childhood. SHOP! And of course, knowing your lovable Nerd-Girl I went to my local "Goodwill" shops, and "Salvation Army."

To expand my library and save money, I often peruse thrift shops for out of print, hard to find, or just neat additions. in the past I would come home with bags of finds of my favorite authors, yet as I had changed my promise to my husband to "go easy" on the books alas I only found three.

Johanna Lindsey - The Heir - Romance

I fell in love with Lindsey's romances in high school when I checked out a novel from my local library, (They were never in the school library due to the sex scenes, which had saddened me ) I can't remember the title of the book, but I do know that it was about a young woman who time travels to the Viking Age and meets her roguish Viking whom she gets to keep! Yummy! The Heir though is a little more sophisticated or at least I believe it is as the cover does not have a bare chested Adonis with a fragile damsel embracing him with a face of pure ecstasy. (As I was writing the sentence I googled the cover and DID find a bare chested man. I guess the publishers class up the hardcovers. Who knew?) The Heir though is the first in the Reid Series.

Nicholas Sparks - The Guardian - Literature/Love Story

He's not a romance writer, though he writes about love and a romance. He escapes being pigeonholed and is known for bringing his characters to a tragic end. I watched adaptation of his movies before I discovered he was a writer. He's not one of my favorites but something about his craftsmanship on the story inspires me as I write. I am determined to have his all of his published works. (Dear John and Last Song were better as a novel, but I cannot resist Channing's ...well everything.)

The Reef - Nora Roberts - Romance

I love this writer to death! I just cannot get enough of Nora Roberts or her stories. She makes her female leads with a strong character and does not ignore the fact that they are women as well. Her men are practical and realistic, not the white knight on the high horse, but a partner for their lover. So far she not disappointed me, yet I still have 400 books to go.

Current Fiction and Sneak Peak of what Nerdette is Reading : Power Trip by Jackie Collins

The Raunchy Moralist has returned with another story about the Rich and Powerful and what happens when you are to naughty. POWER TRIP follows the passengers of a yacht, The Russian Billionaire and his Super Model Mistress, A Cheating Congress man and his Doll like unhappy wife, A former soccer star and his interior designer wife, A famous Latin Singer and his bitchy British Boyfriend, and a journalist and his Asian Human Activist date. As they all sail the seas, waves of drama erupt on board as everyone is somehow connected to each other. The story is comes to a head as pirates show up with revenge on their mind. I'm enjoying the novel as I usually do of Collin's works.


Monday, April 15, 2013

9.) The Tycoon's Revenge by Melody Anne (I'm BACK!)

                Romance the genre has guidelines to plot development. The first is for the story to be centered on the heroine, often the protagonist, and the hero, her love interest and the relationship that blossoms in the story. Secondly and most important is for the couple to meet a happy and satisfying ending. The second of the requirements is what keeps Nicholas Spark’s novels out of the romance genre and mainly viewed as a love story which is a part of general literature. So with only two guidelines an author or authoress has free range to incorporate them. J.R. Ward a paranormal romance writer has even made her one of her main hero in her series bisexual and getting over his past love with a man by being with a woman. It is something different that usually captures readers new and young, but traditional like Nora Roberts creating strong sensible males and females but twist a different plot can still be effective. However with Melody Anne’s “The Tycoon’s Revenge” follows the formula so much so that leaves the plot predictable, and the juvenile antics of her characters caused them to be one note. Though I am not sure whether I am just jaded by all the romance I have read over the years, where I can see the plot’s destination within three chapters or it is just plain predictable.

            The story centers on Derek Titan, a self-made Billionaire who is plotting revenge for his spurned affections and bruised pride. He successfully in chapter one gains control over the company of his ex-girlfriend’s father. Jasmine Freeman, our heroine is too bitter but not out for revenge for Derek leaving her at the altar without a word from him for years, all she wants is to keep her job in order to take care of her home. She bites her tongue and works with Derek to rebuild the company and along the way rekindle the romance they had once had in their youth.

            Good premise, yet a bad execution. The plot is rushed, with the reader finding out the cause on both sides to leave our main characters feeling betrayed. In first couple of chapters we find out how Derek was betrayed and before that we already learned of Jasmine being abandoned at the altar. This leaves the reader to watch as Derek and Jasmine fall back in love for the rest of the three fourths of the book. For two people who had been betrayed and wounded so deeply they seem to fall back in love and in bed with each other. This has to do with the plot already correcting our villain so early.

            What could have helped the story along would have been a convincing and layered antagonist. Yet his reasons are typical and overplayed with no personal depth. He put a ruse in the young lovers tryst for the reasons that have been done and way better. To add to the injury he is only in the story as foil to our characters romance, which would have been fine if there had been something deeper to the story.

            Our hero is to scale. Derek is perceived by the authoress as a cruel and ruthless business man who only looks forward and never back. (The business of what he does is a little sketchy as it is never really explained what the company does, though that could be overlooked as the main focus is on the romance). His need for revenge is fueled by the pain left on him by Jasmine as well as his prejudices toward the wealthy born. However in the flashback of how she had spurned him, the reader has to question his own character. He did not hear such words from his lover, instead from an informant who has questionable traits even to Derek. Yet with the information he damns all wealthy born women and flees off to plot his revenge. It seems cowardice that he could not wait to confront her, and lazy as a writer to not expand on other possibilities to justify his anger. The unjustifiable rage only cheapens the inevitable reunion and romance which quickly follows, leaving most readers annoyed and tired of his incompetence.

            However Derek’s actions does give Jasmine just cause to be bitter and resentful towards him. In her defense she was left at the altar with no call, letter or message. He disappeared for a long time, yet she knew he was alive not dead from an accident or kidnapped. She cuts her losses and moves on with her life yet retains a secrets which sours her character. The secret though to the reader is not discreet at all. A reader is then left to questions the ethics of Jasmine. She is our protagonist and sure she is susceptible to human flaws but with her moral high ground and her integrity to better that of her lover why would she keep this secret. It makes her seem childish and less developed as to no real explanation is given. Instead the reader and Derek are left with, “You weren’t around, so there seemed no reason to tell you.” Bullshit! If a character, a person claims to love someone and has no idea why he left but their own imaginings would at least make some vain attempt to give him the news!

            At which point I had to calm myself before breaking my iPad. I did not cover the sex scenes which are usually my favorite parts of a romance novel, because they were as formulaic as the plot though they tried to hint of eroticism. Anne had a good premise and popular idea with a Billionaire trying to enact some type of revenge and yet falling into his own trap. The execution though was just rushed and underdeveloped.

            The Tycoon’s Revenge eBook can be found on for the kindle and on itunes for apple products. It is fairly inexpensive (unless you don’t have a kindle or apple products then go freely into sweet sweet ignorance) and for a short little romp with not much use in brain power could be enjoyable.